Category: <span>Confidence</span>

Global Leadership Summit – 2023 – Day 1

Am I a leader? If so, what and who am I leading? And how good of a job am I doing at leading? If I’m honest, these are the questions that I have wrestled with at times over the past three years. They are not uncommon questions. In fact, they are important questions for all of us to consider.

Two days in Chicago helped me to gain clarity on answering these questions. Yes (resoundingly yes!), I am a leader. We all lead in some shape and capacity. We all have influence (in our homes, our relationships, our work, our community). You do not need a fancy title to grant you permission to lead. You are a leader. And as is the motto of this conference every year: Everyone wins when a leader gets better.

The Global Leadership Summit (GLS) is a two day event hosted outside of Chicago each year in early August. My wife and I have been attending since 2011. We have always attended through one of the hundreds of satellite locations that simulcast the event. However, this year we made the commitment to attend in person. It is two days of world class speakers presenting actionable content on how to grow your capacity as a leader. I’ve said it for years and it always proves to be true. It is one of the highlights of our year personally, professionally, spiritually, and relationally.

Here is a quick breakdown of the speakers and just a few of the main takeaways from each speaker.

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The Orbital Perspective

50 years ago we landed on the moon. It was an extraordinary accomplishment on many levels in achieving the goal set by President Kenedy “of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth.

Civic pride and scientific advancements were not the only outcomes of man’s exploration into space. One unexpected, but albeit, significant discovery was the change in perspective that comes from looking back and seeing planet Earth from space. This experience was felt first hand by the astronauts themselves and forever changed their minds. But anyone of us who looks at the photographs from space can’t help but be touched by a sense of awe as we see our home in all its glory, fragility, and wonder.  Read more

Wit & Wisdom – Abraham Lincoln

“I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.” – Abraham Lincoln


We all make mistakes. We all fall down. Fail. Miss the mark. That’s an unavoidable part of life.

You can choose to believe that you are defined by these moments. Or, you can choose to believe you are defined by how you respond to these moments.

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Rethinking The Commencement Speech

I’ve often thought about what I would say if I ever had the chance to give a Commencement Speech at a graduation. The commencement speeches I’ve witnessed are often filled with encouragement and optimism (“Don’t be afraid to dream big dreams.” “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” “The future is what you make of it.”). It’s as if the main theme of many of these speeches can be summed up by saying: “Hey Graduates, you did it. You’ve accomplished this great goal. Now continue to ride this wave of achievement into the future and make the world a better place.” A sweet sentiment and a worthy charge to a class on the precipice of a major life transition. But I’ve often questioned the lasting relevancy of these messages.

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Wit & Wisdom – William James

“The use of a life is to spend it for something that outlasts it.” – William James


How to develop a legacy:


Spend your time and energy and resources on that which is meaningful.

Develop relationships.

Be vulnerable.

Create boldly.

Invest in others.

Always be learning.

Always be sharing.

Balance conviction and compassion.

Find ways to be kind to yourself and others.

Thanks For The Feedback

Jason got his essay returned to him with several corrections and suggestions written by the teacher in red ink. He got a ‘B-’ on the assignment. He was hoping for an ‘A’.Katherine was giving a presentation at work and she noticed Lilly spent most of the time distracted by her phone and not listening to what was said. Afterward, Katherine’s boss told her how much she appreciated all the hard work Katherine had put into the presentation.Doug made dinner for his family but his youngest son refused to eat it saying that it tasted “yucky” and demanded to have Mac ‘N Cheese instead.Jackson told his wife how much he liked his wife’s new hairdo.Marita told her husband that she feels alone in the relationship and that she thinks her husband is always preoccupied with his job.

Feedback is all around us. Each and every day we face a barrage of feedback, both wanted and unwanted. Some of it is flat-out wrong, while others can be spot-on. There’s no avoiding feedback. We simply have the choice of how we respond to it. Read more

Erasing The Past

I recently read a news article about a tattoo artist in Iowa who offers a free service to remove old tattoos that depict racist images. Those who take him up on his offer express deep remorse and regret getting the hateful tattoos many years ago. Racially divisive images once represented a belief they were passionate about, but now symbolize a gross error in thinking and a mark of shame.

This tattoo artist in Iowa is offering a valuable service. An opportunity to erase reminders of the past that prevent some from living life to the fullest presently. One customer had a racial symbol erased and replaced with the name of his granddaughter. Erasing a hateful image that remained for years as a shameful reminder of foolishness and replacing it with a loving name that is the pride of this grandfather.

Transforming shame to pride. Read more

Wit & Wisdom – Galway Kinnell

“Sometimes it is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness.” Poet, Galway Kinnell

We are all born with a value that is priceless. That value does not change over time. Only the perception of that value does.
Life has a way of making us think that our value is tarnished. Maybe, if we are honest with ourselves, we also fall into the trap of devaluing others. Read more

Don’t Waste A Failure

Shortly after winning the College Football National Championship, Alabama Football Head Coach, Nick Saban, reflected on the season that had just concluded. And his reflection brought him back to the end of the previous year’s Championship game. A contest in which Nick Saban and Alabama lost to Clemson on the final play of the game. Standing there on the podium in front of reporters Saban was asked how last year’s championship loss impacted his approach to this year.

“I don’t want to waste a failure,” Saban said.

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Wednesday Wit & Wisdom

“If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.” Muhammad Ali

Potential is a fascinating thing. By its very nature, it includes an element of disguise. A skill or a talent or a strength is hidden from us, lying dormant, waiting to be released. Oftentimes that skill is surprising. And just as often it can come from an equally surprising place of origin. Read more

Global Leadership Summit – 2023 – Day 2

As I mentioned in my previous post, the Global Leadership Summit is a two day event hosted outside of Chicago. It brings …

Global Leadership Summit – 2023 – Day 1

Am I a leader? If so, what and who am I leading? And how good of a job am I doing at leading? If I’m honest, these are …

Non-Zero Day

Zero Days. We’ve all had them. And if you’ve had enough Zero Days you know that they can lead to despair. The …