Category: <span>Self-improvement</span>

Global Leadership Summit – 2023 – Day 2

As I mentioned in my previous post, the Global Leadership Summit is a two day event hosted outside of Chicago. It brings together people from all over the world to learn from inspiring teachers, authors, pastors, and leaders from a variety of industries. Check out their content and consider attending in 2024 for the 30th GLS. I already have my ticket!

Here is a quick breakdown of the speakers from Day 2 and just a few of the main takeaways from each speaker.

Habits are the compound interest of self improvement. As such, good habits mean that time is our ally. Bad habits mean that time is our enemy. Excellence is not about radical change but about accruing small incremental steps. The biggest challenge people face is not personal defects but with the system we operate in. You don’t rise to the level of goals, you fall to the level of your system.
Form good habits by focusing on the four stages of habit formation. 1. Cue – Trigger that tells your brain to initiate a habit. 2. Craving – Prediction that compels you to act. 3. Response – The actual habit you perform. 4. Reward 0 The result that satisfies your craving.
Learn to manipulate these stages to your benefit in order to develop healthy habits, and, most importantly, develop an identity of being the better you that you want to be.

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Global Leadership Summit – 2023 – Day 1

Am I a leader? If so, what and who am I leading? And how good of a job am I doing at leading? If I’m honest, these are the questions that I have wrestled with at times over the past three years. They are not uncommon questions. In fact, they are important questions for all of us to consider.

Two days in Chicago helped me to gain clarity on answering these questions. Yes (resoundingly yes!), I am a leader. We all lead in some shape and capacity. We all have influence (in our homes, our relationships, our work, our community). You do not need a fancy title to grant you permission to lead. You are a leader. And as is the motto of this conference every year: Everyone wins when a leader gets better.

The Global Leadership Summit (GLS) is a two day event hosted outside of Chicago each year in early August. My wife and I have been attending since 2011. We have always attended through one of the hundreds of satellite locations that simulcast the event. However, this year we made the commitment to attend in person. It is two days of world class speakers presenting actionable content on how to grow your capacity as a leader. I’ve said it for years and it always proves to be true. It is one of the highlights of our year personally, professionally, spiritually, and relationally.

Here is a quick breakdown of the speakers and just a few of the main takeaways from each speaker.

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Non-Zero Day

Zero Days.

We’ve all had them.

And if you’ve had enough Zero Days you know that they can lead to despair.

The solution is not the Hero Day.

The solution is the Non-Zero Day.

Dare to dream small.

The Orbital Perspective

50 years ago we landed on the moon. It was an extraordinary accomplishment on many levels in achieving the goal set by President Kenedy “of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth.

Civic pride and scientific advancements were not the only outcomes of man’s exploration into space. One unexpected, but albeit, significant discovery was the change in perspective that comes from looking back and seeing planet Earth from space. This experience was felt first hand by the astronauts themselves and forever changed their minds. But anyone of us who looks at the photographs from space can’t help but be touched by a sense of awe as we see our home in all its glory, fragility, and wonder.  Read more

Wit & Wisdom – John Gray

“The human mind is programmed for survival, not for truth.” – John Gray

The good news is we’re a resilient species. The bad news is our neurotic brains can keep us from fully living life.

Our brains do a pretty good job of perceiving threats and plotting a way to avoid danger. This comes in very handy when you are walking towards a busy city road with lots of cars and buses zipping around. Read more

Appetite for Change

Appetites can be fickle.

Consider the Wikipedia description of appetite: “Appetite is the desire to eat food, sometimes due to hunger. Appealing foods can stimulate appetite even when hunger is absent, although appetite can be greatly reduced by satiety.”

So appetites are an innate sensation that serves the greater good to keep us fed and alive.

Unless it becomes easily swayed by that sugary donut that we don’t need. But oh, does it look tasty!

Our desires for change in other areas of life are a lot like our appetites. Read more

The First Day

First days get a lot of attention. New Years is a time for setting resolutions, fresh beginnings and orienting yourself to achieve goals. The first day of school is commonly marked by cute pictures of kids with their new backpacks on and their back to school clothes shining in the early morning light. Faces smiling expectantly of what is to come. Read more

Global Leadership Summit – 2017 Day 2

Here’s my recap of Day 2 from the Global Leadership Summit in 2017.

There’s a saying you hear every year at the Global Leadership Summit. And it’s that attending the GLS is like drinking from a firehose. The sheer amount of information presented is incredible. What’s more, all of it is so valuable. It challenges the conventional thinking. It prompts me to reflect on my own life. I feel both motivated and mentally fatigued at the end of the conference. But here’s a brief recap of the speakers and some of the points shared from Day 2 at GLS:

Former Google employee, Laszlo Bock, pulled back the curtain and shared what he has learned from working at Google. He suggested that to find meaning in your work start by considering why you are doing what you do, why your coworkers do what they do, and being in close contact with the beneficiaries of the work that you do. Favorite quote from the session: “Treat your people right, and they will do amazing things for you.”

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Global Leadership Summit – 2017 Day 1

For two days in August for the last seven years, my wife and I have attended the Global Leadership Summit. It is an annual conference hosted by Willow Creek Church outside of Chicago. What follows are my notes from Day One of the 2017 Summit.

Notes From GLS DAY 1

Today was the start of the 7th Global Leadership Summit my wife and me have attended. For seven years it has proven to be one of the highlights of our year professionally, personally, relationally, and Spiritually.

The amount of content delivered in these two days is truly top-notch. It provides a year’s worth of material to digest and to learn from.

Here are some highlights from Day 1:

Bill Hybels spoke on the ten rules for building respect:
Leaders Must Set Examples of how to have differences but not demoralize
Have Spirited Conversations but be respectful
Don’t interrupt
Limit volume and belittling words
Set examples with words and deeds
Don’t stereotype
Take responsibility for your actions
Form opinions carefully
Show up and do what you say you will do
Identify a code of civility and enforce it Read more

Wit & Wisdom – Abraham Lincoln

“I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.” – Abraham Lincoln


We all make mistakes. We all fall down. Fail. Miss the mark. That’s an unavoidable part of life.

You can choose to believe that you are defined by these moments. Or, you can choose to believe you are defined by how you respond to these moments.

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Global Leadership Summit – 2023 – Day 2

As I mentioned in my previous post, the Global Leadership Summit is a two day event hosted outside of Chicago. It brings …

Global Leadership Summit – 2023 – Day 1

Am I a leader? If so, what and who am I leading? And how good of a job am I doing at leading? If I’m honest, these are …

Non-Zero Day

Zero Days. We’ve all had them. And if you’ve had enough Zero Days you know that they can lead to despair. The …