Category: <span>Relationships</span>

Seeking Independence

Freedom is a worthy pursuit. We were not created to be enslaved to tyrannical rule or the bondage of addiction, abuse, and shame.

However, while freedom and independence is a precious gift we must also be careful not to make it out to be the ultimate prize. That is because our pursuit of individual freedom can lead us into some perilous scenarios. What we think we want/deserve/need to be free can turn out to ensnare us in even more confining traps. Read more

The Value of Memorializing

Not too long ago I had the chance to visit the 9/11 Memorial at the World Trade Center in New York City. Words fail to describe the sheer power of that site.

My son was with me that morning and I found myself stumbling through an appropriate way to explain to a child where we were and what we were witnessing. We talked about how all of those names etched in stone are names of people who are no longer with us. He was curious why there were two square holes with waterfalls in the middle of lower Manhattan. I had him look up and try and picture what once towered overhead. In delicate terms, I tried to describe how on a morning many years ago there was a great tragedy and those towers were badly damaged and came crashing down. We spoke about bravery and heroism. And we spoke about hurt and loss.

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Wit & Wisdom – Karl Popper

“The aim of argument should not be victory, but progress.” – Philosopher Karl Popper

Victory is great in games. When you sit down to play a board game you play to win. When the Giants and the Dodgers square off against one another on the baseball field they both employ a strategy and tactics to ultimately defeat their opponent. The game will end with one team being the victor and the other team will be the loser. The possibility of losing comes with the price of admission to play the game. It is an accepted reality.

However, arguing is not a game. The same rules do not apply. Particularly in the context of a relationship or a marriage. Do you want to employ strategy and tactics to defeat your spouse or partner? At what personal and relational cost do you pay to “win” the argument? Is “winning the argument” even possible? Read more

Guns, Mental Health, and Anger: A society seeks for solutions.

Our nation has once again been brought to face another tragedy after a gunman murdered 17 students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida. As a society that has become all too familiar with breaking news alerts of mass shootings we desperately look for answers as to why these tragedies occur and what solutions can be found to prevent them. We all want to prevent the horrors that unfolded on that campus from happening again and we cannot let our endeavor be in vain.

In the wake of another senseless shooting gun control laws and mental illness are the two topics that have taken a prominent position in the national debate. According to a poll from ABC News, more people believe that increased mental health screening and treatment would likely have prevented the Parkland shooting over stricter gun control laws. Read more

The Anti-Love Behavior

The topic of love gets a lot of attention in the month of February. Popular culture and greeting cards do not let us forget the holiday devoted to an expression of love. Much to my surprise, one of the more poignant lessons I’ve heard on love came earlier this month from an unexpected place: a sermon on slothfulness.

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Global Leadership Summit – 2023 – Day 2

As I mentioned in my previous post, the Global Leadership Summit is a two day event hosted outside of Chicago. It brings …

Global Leadership Summit – 2023 – Day 1

Am I a leader? If so, what and who am I leading? And how good of a job am I doing at leading? If I’m honest, these are …

Non-Zero Day

Zero Days. We’ve all had them. And if you’ve had enough Zero Days you know that they can lead to despair. The …